Disclaimer: The author of this fanfiction does not, in any way, profit from the story. All creative rights to the characters belong to their original creator(s).

Around the House: On TV

by Pout

“Can’t we just go into the bedroom?” Kamio complained.

“Nonono, come on… It’s good, isn’t it?” Open-mouthed kisses graced cheek and neck. Insistent hands were probably too insistent, much too greedy.

“How about the couch?”

Momo shook his head, tickling the hollow of Kamio’s neck. “Just…um, yeah…it’s good isn’t it, Kamio?”

The other man sighed as his back pressed into the remote. “You’re not the one with your head hanging off the back of this thing.”

Momoshiro pushed the complaints away with dexterous fingers and a nimble tongue.

Making love on the television set was hard – but so was Momo.

If you would like to provide feedback on this story, please feel free to e-mail me at: poutonly@gmail.com.