Gundam Wing Fanfics

Warning: Some of the stories contained herein feature (M)ature content. The site-owner is not responsible for any offenses induced by these materials. Stories are clearly marked. Reader discretion is advised.



Choice is Overrated
M 4xR. "So for two years, we've been like good friends sleeping in the same bed occasionally, sharing a name and household, and (when we do meet) never touching, ever."

RUN: the treasure hunt story
The gang goes on a treasure hunt, complete with dumb goons, car chases, and lots of icky bugs.

The Elegant Daisy
Crazy random songfic. 1xR Break-up fic. Non-angsty. :)

Life in a Bottle
Abstract on Death and Rebirth. Vaguely 1xR. Kudos to those who figure out what I was trying to do with this one.

Caterpillar Secrets
Hx?. Alternate pairing. When Duo falls for Dorothy, Hilde makes plans to get him back.

The Olive Tree
5xS. "I don't know when exactly I realized that I loved her, my stepsister, Sally, but I slowly grew accustomed to the idea and found a way to live with it."

Glass and Time in the City
Has no relation to anything. Simple 4 o'clock crack writing. :)

Hypnosis Awry
M The girls are acting a little crazy. More so than usual. Some are oversexed, some are under - some are being just plain naughty.