Disclaimer: The author of this fanfiction does not, in any way, profit from the story. All creative rights to the characters belong to their original creator(s).


by Pout

Walking up there is mental preparation; a psych out.

Your shoes make soft, smothered sounds against smooth, cold steps: a reminder that you’re on the ground, that there’s a giant, floating planet trying to get away from you.

Tonight you’re going to give it your absolute best.

Standing there, way up high on that ledge on a perfectly casual evening is like doing homework or brushing your teeth. Everyone is moving about, moving along just the same as always, so you will do the same.

The tower is so far from the ground that they all look like ants scurrying around beneath you. Everyone looks this far away; your perspective has shifted into focus.

Tonight is going to be the best. Because at dinner you said five things, three people smiled at you, you laughed twice, and there was pie for dessert. Yesterday you made it to the third story window.

You wield your trusty broom; hold it tight in both fists as you peer down. Over the months, you’ve gotten so close, so close you could almost make out faces on those people swarming about on the ground. You’re always up there though, always trying to do your best. All you want is to be properly grounded.

This time you’re enthusiastic because you know it’s going to be tonight, it’s going to be the clearest it ever was tonight. You take a running jump; you’re sailing away, so damn free and weightless.

A splotch of gray-green above the top window; three months ago, you would have been panicking to see that splotch flash by. Tonight, you’re glad to see it; your trusty broom wavers in the fall, thrashing about in your grip.

This will be it, you decide because you see a hand pointing up at you. Yesterday’s third story window closes in, and this time, you let go and the broom handle tears free, finally. Because for you, it was always so hard to stop flying.

If you would like to provide feedback on this story, please feel free to e-mail me at: poutonly@gmail.com.